torsdag 10. desember 2009

New Blog!!

Siden jeg ikke klarer å huske navnet på denne her, og har lyst å prøve noe nytt, så har jeg rett og slett laget en ny blogg :)
du han trykke her for å se den nye :)
Det kommer kanskje muligens noe mer her, det vet jeg ikke enda. Vi får se :)

lørdag 5. desember 2009


Regler : Det er vanskeligere enn det ser ut! Kopier til ditt eget notat, slett mine svar og legg til dine. Bruk den første bokstaven i navnet ditt når du svarer på alle spørsmålene. Gi ordentlige svar, ikke dikte! Hvis personen før deg har samme bokstav, så må du gi et annet svar. Du kan ikke bruke samme ordet to ganger. Utfordre andre.

1 Hva er navnet ditt : Synnøve
2 Ord på fire bokstaver : Smil

3 Guttenavn : Simon
4 Jentenavn : Stine
5 Et yrke : Snekker
6 Farge : Svart
7 Noe du har på deg : Sokker
8 Mat : Salat
9 Noe på badet : Såpe
10 Et sted : Salhus
11 Grunn til å komme for seint : Skolebussen kom for seint : (
12 Noe du roper : Si noe da!
13 Film tittel : Scooby Doo
14 Noe du kan drikke : Solo!
15 En musikkgruppe : Simple Plan
16 Et dyr : Salamander

Utfordrer alle til det samme : D

torsdag 26. november 2009


OMG! Stine sente meg en av de beste sangene jeg har hørt på lenge!!!
Slenger inn teksten under : D

You belong with me – Jacob Black Remix !
You're in the woods with your vampire Edward Cullen
He’s always whining and complaining, he's so sullen
He doesn’t get you’re human like I do
I'm at the gym, it's a typical Tuesday night
Lifting the kind of weights he doesn't like
And he'll never know your family like I do

But he sparkles, and I'm so hairy
He's so sexy and I'm so scary
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
that you hate vampires and love canines

If you could see that I'm the wolf who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Hangin' out in Forks, while he's in Italy
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Howling at the moon thinkin' to myself
Hey, isn't Ed sleazy?

And you've got a beauty that could light up this whole town
Haven't seen it since he brought those biters around
You say you're fine, I know you better than that
Hey, Whatcha doing with a sucker so wack?

He's so pale, I'm so tan
He's kinda bitchy and I'm all man
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
that you hate vampires and love canines

If you could see that I'm the wolf who understands you
I’m down on all fours, so why can't you see?
You belong with me

lørdag 21. november 2009


Jeg satt her i går og såg gjennom noen filmer på youtube, der 5 gutter, 3 fra Storbritannia og 2 fra Amerika, laget en youtube film hversin dag i uken. "Dette er jo helt genialt!"
De kallte seg for fiveawesomeguys, og var inspirert av andre som gjorde sånnt, blant annet var det en jente gruppe som het noe lignende som gjorde det. Jeg syntes det virker litt artig xD Det begynnte med Alan fra Amerika om mandager, deretter Charlie fra Storbritanniatirsdager, Alex fra storbritanniaOnsdager, Todd fra AmerikaTorsdager og Johnny fra StorbritanniaFredager
Den av de som laget Film kom ofte med spørsmål og  utfordringer til de andre 4 som de måtte gjøre i sine filmer. De snakket også om hva de hadde gjort den siste uken, for de som skulle intressere seg for det :)

Egentlig, så er dette noe jeg også kunne gjort. Glatt! Men så er det å finne noen som vil være med da :) hehe, tror kanskje jeg dropper det, vi får se. Det hadde vært ganske gøy da... Eller?

fredag 20. november 2009

OMG! Jeg blir så flau!

Omglol, jeg teitet meg sånn ut i går!
Jeg snakket med en venninne om at vi kanskje skulle på kino på søndag, det er jo greit.
Men når jeg skulle fortelle det til en annen venninne ble det til:
”Jeg og Elisabeth skal kanskje å se New Boob på søndag.”
Det jeg egentlig skulle skrive var:
”Jeg og Elisabeth skal kanskje å se New Moon på søndag.”
Hvorfor? Jo, fordi ordboken på telefonen min er helt fucket up!
Og på bussen i dag begynte jeg å tenke:
”New Boob? Det kunne vært en pornofilm!”
Det jeg skrev til en venninne var mer sånn her:
”New Boob kunne blitt en pornoglim.”
Klart, Borghild kunne ikke annet enn å le. Ikke at jeg klandrer henne, jeg hadde nokk ledd visst det var henne xD

Hva skjer med at jeg skriver sånn feil? Også sånne feil! Jeg blir så FLAU!

mandag 26. oktober 2009


Haha! Jo, altså. I dag var vi på BIFF (Bergen Internasjonale Filmfestival).
De filmene var forresten drit kjedelig... Eller kanskje ikke så ille. Men det var ikke langt unna.
Når siste filmen var ferdig, fikk vi lov å gå hjem :) Jeg ble igjen i byn sammen
med Tonje, Leon, Ine, Ingrid og Kim ^^ kjempe kos.
Vi gikk forbi det mest random stedet noen kunne kommet på å snubble over!
På døren hang dette:

Så selvfølgelig måtte vi inn å se hva dette var for noe artig :D
Det endte med at vi var der i 40 minutter. Å spillte Bordtennis! Hurraaa!!!

Leon og Ingrid lizzm!

Kim og Ine lizzom !
Så! Noen flere som har noe artig å fortelle? :D

fredag 23. oktober 2009

Fredag !

No e d endelig fredag igjen :D
Helg <3

Noen som skal noe spess i helgen??
Eventuelt noen som har lyst å finne på noe??
Skal vel sette meg ned meg intervjuene jeg har hatt denne uken å sette det sammen til ett :D det kan bli artig :P hehe.

Såe , grunnen til at jeg skriver dette innlegget er vel egentlig bare for å oppdatere dere, som i det hele tatt gidder å lese. Og for å si:


P.S. har funnet igjen Green Day '21st Century breakdown' t-skjorten min : D OPPTUR!!!

lørdag 17. oktober 2009

haha! Awesome!

Denne tegningen fikk meg til å le xD

Sudden Realizastion by ~GreenDay-Toons on deviantART

torsdag 15. oktober 2009


Knowledge - Green Day


søndag 27. september 2009

"Er du sur?" "NEI, JEG ER IKKE SUR!"

Noen som har fått det spørsmålet noen ganger?
Tror det ja.
"Er du sur?"
"Jammen du virker sur, hva er det?"
"Det er ingenting, jeg er ikke sur!"
"Er du sikker på at du ikke er sur?"

Men noen gang er du jo faktisk sur. Eller iværtfall i et dååårlig humør.
Dette her er noe jeg av og til ha lyst å gjøre med enkelte. Ikke de som spørr 24/7 om jeg er sur, men de som faktisk gjør meg sur.

torsdag 24. september 2009

Jaja, så var vi her igjen da...

... her på bloggen... som jeg så lenge har skrevet på engelsk. Men vi går over igjen til norsk, kanskje det er lettere å skjønne hva jeg skriver. Hehe.
Noen som har sett OneCall reklamen? Den om hun som skal kjøpe olabukse?
Det er en merkelig MERKELIG reklame, jøssenavn!
Men den er litt catchy på en ekkel måte.

Er det bare jeg som syntes dette er en rar reklame??

C is for cookies...

... and Cuddles! <3

Just dropping in to say hello. Actually thinking about start writing in Norwegain again. How about that?

onsdag 26. august 2009

Weoo -.-''

Yay! So it's the 5th day back at school after Summer Holiday, and I've been home because I'm ill. How fun is that? : D
So I've done nothing but watched TV all day. Or at least it feels like it!
I also looked through some old songs, and I found one I listened to while I was in Florida (well, old or not, I dont listen that much to it anymore, thats my point). It's called "One and the same" and it's by Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. Chelsea and I have found out that this song is perfect for us. LOL! It's totally our song!

Check it ouuut!!

fredag 21. august 2009

"Sucks to be me" by Kimberly Pauley

This book is about a teenage girl named Mina, who has to make the biggest decision of her life!
Does she want to be a vampire like her parents or not ?
And of course there are boys in it! Who'll take Mina to prom? Nathan? Aubrey? George?

I can say that this book is AWESOME! I would strongly suggest that you give it a shoot! If you like books where reality meets fantasy : )
I have it :3 Just in case you would want to borrow it!

So long guys! It's getting a bit late ! : D Night!

Words of the day! :

You want to be like your father, it's approval you're after. Well that's not how you find it!

Lily Allen - Fuck You

onsdag 19. august 2009

First day at school ...

... and I have the biggest headache ever known to mankind, like ever! Anyway... Only shows that School's back on track!
Got back to school today. I was so scared! I tend to make a complete fool out of myself the first day, but I didn't this time. Yay!
All the other students seem pretty nice. All though, I only know 4 of them. Can't wait to get to know the others ^^ !
Also the teachers seem very nice. I think we'll have a great year with them! : D
So... don't know what more to write so I think we'll end it here, aye?!
Ba Mosh!

Do you know what's worth fighting for, when it's not worth dying for?

Does it take your breath away and do you feel yourself suffocating?

Green Day - 21 Guns

søndag 16. august 2009


Just wanted to post some pictures I took along with my friend Borghild : D

I was laughing on this one xD


torsdag 13. august 2009


I just have to share this with you!!!!
The best word, EVER known to man kind... like EVER!!!


mandag 10. august 2009

WOW! Long Time No See!

Wow, you guys! I just realized I had a blog. And that I never write anything here anymore!
So sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, what's happend since last time ?
WELL! We went to Florida for 3 weeks. I had a superduper time there : D It was boiling hot, but still. When I got used to the heat and rid of my cold, I had such a great time!We went to Miami ( I was standing outside Miami ink :D No Lie!!!) , and Disney World ( I met Pluto and Chip & Dale : D) ! You should do it too! It's awesome!! Expensive, but freakin' awesome!

What else? Oh, right, when I came home from Florida, I was hanging out with Laura, Jenny and Elisabeth. Hope you enjoyed your stay in Norway Laura and Jenny : D

And for another "friend" who shall not be named; Thank you for showing me that some friends can not be trusted :)

Now these last two weeks I have stayed with my aunt. I have been a dogsitter (get it? instead of babysitter :3)

She went to Oslo to get a new puppy, he's sooo cute!!! So is Cæsar ^^ I love them both : D

the Puppy is btw named Don Corleone ^^ haha : D like the Godfather :3

just saying!


Don Corleone

Anywayyyy... I have to go now.. :P so I'll try not to use 3 month the next time, lol.

- Ba Mosh!

mandag 1. juni 2009

Our trip to England

So, now that we are back from England, I think it’s time to tell you all about it.

Left the airport in Bergen (Bergen Lufthavn) in the evening. And arrived the airport in Gatwick. Then we sat on a bus the whole night to get to Scarborough. We were supposed to be there at 2 am, but because of different reasons we didn’t arrive Scarborough until 5-6 am. And then, we had to wait for someone to call our names, and we would go to the family we were going to stay with while we were there. As for us (Tonje, Hilde, Siren and I) we had to take a taxi. But it went well, and we went to bed to get an hour sleep or so before we had to get up and get to school.

We got up and had some breakfast.
We arrived school just past 9 am, and we waited there for everyone to come. Of course some were a bit late, because we had a long night behind us, so everyone was very tired.
This day we were going for a “Town walk”. This meant that we were walking through the town. We also went to Scarborough Castle. The view was beautiful from up there. But my God is it far up!
That night we were going to “the movies”. This really meant that we were going up to the school to watch “Get Smart”.

Wednesday we were going to York. Or, some had chosen to go to Manchester to see Old Trafford instead. I kind of wanted to go. But it would be 300 kr more to pay, and since we are going to Florida soon, I figured I’d go to York instead.
In York, we went to “The York Dungeon”. That was scary. But in a way that was funny, so it was more “fun-scary”. I’d definitely go there again sometime, anyone with me?
We also went to York Minster. This was not as fun as the dungeon. At all! We were there for like 30 minutes and then we could go shopping if we wanted.
I went shopping with Iselin and Åshild. Lol. That was kidna fun.
I also got to meet Laura and Jenny, they are amazing! I’m so glad I got to meet them. All though I didn’t talk to them for more than, what 1 hour maybe? I still think they are amazing!
That night we went to “Fantasy Forest”. Not the most fun place in the world, but it works, right?

(Laura and Jenny )

This day we went to “Aidensfield” also known as Goathland. Such a shame we just got 1 single hour there. I don’t know if you have seen the TV show “Heartbeat”? Well, if you haven’t, where the hell have you been all these years. To me this is one of the most amazing TV shows ever made, and it’s a shame that they are gonna stop filming it. I love it. I think actually I used more money in “Aidensfield” than any other place we went to. And that includes York. There were not that many shops, but there was this little one with a lot of stuff to buy, like pens, CDs, toy cars and stuff like that. I do really want to go back there as well. I love “Aidensfield”!
After an hour in “Aidensfield” we went to Flamingo land.
Arlen, Elisabeth and I do all like to keep our feet on the ground so we went through the Zoo.
That doesn’t sound that much fun at all, but it was really.
That night, there was this Disco thing; we could go to if we wanted to. But we could also choose to walk around the town. As long as we were more than one person.

This was kind of a sad day. Because this day we were going home. If I could, I’d stay there for another week! But of course not. We spent the whole day on a bus who was taking us to Gatwick. There was a lot of traffic today as well, so we had to run inside the airport to check in. And then run to the plane.
I know I’m going to miss the place. But on the other hand, it’s good to be home again.

Here are some pictures I took. Enjoy :)

søndag 24. mai 2009

England here we come : D

Tomorrow's the day! Tomorrow is the oh so increddible day when we are going to England bby :D

I can't wait! We have waited for soo long, and now it's finally happening :3

All though, we are leaving in the evening. And... well... The trip will probably take forever.

but who cares? : D We do have mp3 players, ipod / iphone, and some maybe PSP or nintendo DS?

torsdag 21. mai 2009

Holy Chocolate Frog !

Oh myyy !!!

4 days left for the OH so awesome school trip to Scarborough, England!

OMG! I can’t wait! We are going to stay there for 5 days, or 3 actually, since 2 of them kinda goes away with all the travelling !
I am a bit nervous to meet the family we are staying at, but I’m sure it will be fine : D I’m sure they are nice people.

June 17th I’m going to Florida along with my family, and we are going to stay there for 3 weeks! WOO!
Which means I would need some new Music on my iPhone. I got some music from my cousin today, but if there is anyone out there with some tips ! Write them as a comment please :D It would mean a lot to me !

Sooo… bye for now (:
P.S. Read my icon! and listen to it !

onsdag 13. mai 2009

Birthdays and Exams

Hey hey people !

So, today I had the oh so fucking awesome Math exam. I think it went pretty well, it could be worse, if you know what I mean. And thank you Nathan, for helping me ! I owe you, BIG TIME !

Also ! It’s May 13, 2009 today, and what does that mean ?

It means that Robert Pattison and Alexander Rybak is one year older. HURRAY! Let the party start.

Besides that, I don’t think there is anything new.

Going to Scarborough may 25th, gonna be fun: D can’t wait ^^ Gonna be there ‘til may 29th ( :
AND! OMG! I almost forgot ! I have bought Supernatural season 3 : D Wooo!!! A very short season, but who cares !! : D The show is TOO brilliant : D

torsdag 7. mai 2009

torsdag 30. april 2009

Per - the Salad :)

So, the other day we were in the school kitchen. it was pretty exciting, like always. and Anja and I made this oh so increddible salad. And we named him, Per.

Isn't he cute ? :D He's smiling at you, and talking to you :D (Yes, I stole the idea from "If you were gay")

When we ate, no one touched the salad.
or, yeh, Anja and I ate some pineapple and cucumber and stuff, but we didn't touch his face :)
but then, ofc, we couldn't throw him away. so I think maybe the teachers ate it ! I dont know.

R.I.P. Per!

So what do you think of him ? :D Cute, huh?

tirsdag 28. april 2009

Hello !

I'm on my way to bed really, just wanted to pop in to say hello ! and good night :)

Been a busy week, so my plan about being a better blogger hasnt worked. but my plan about getting a better person works ! WOHO!

You might ask why i say already on a tuesday that it's been a busy week. but when i say it like that i mean that since last tuesday it's been busy. really. i have been busy with mock exams, or it's more like something in between mock exams and exams, I'd say. Let's call it test-exams! because that's what we call it, or if you transelate word by word it is. lol. so anyway, i've been doing my thing and I have been quite happy about my results. well. im off to bed. gonna cook at schook tomorrow ... hehey, that's nice, eh?

So, sleep tight, friends, and we'll catch up later :P

Btw, can anyone tell me what kind of animal that thing on this posts picture is? It's bothering the hell out of me that I dont know. I want one :D

fredag 24. april 2009


Why do I do this again? Because I want to, and if you got a problem with that. Go away!

Ann ! How is it possible to be such a nice person like her?

She is , just like Chelsea , one of the most fantastic persons I’ve ever met ! She’s such a sweet girl ^^ and if everyone was like her, there wouldn’t be war in this world :O She’s also my first friend from Poland :D ^^

I trust her 100% and I can tell her anything, :D anytime :D any day :D Any year… ok, I guess u get my point? XD Lol! We can talk for a long time about boys, right, Ann ? XD Shes boy crazy, just like me ^^

Omg! You, Chelsea and I should get together once :D We’d have so much FUN :D

No doubt, Ann is one of the best persons in this world !
I Love You Ann ^^ <3
(I hope you don’t get freaked out, lol)

onsdag 22. april 2009

tirsdag 21. april 2009

Chelsea - soulmate, lol ^^

Ok, so why am I writing this ? Because I want to :)

Chelsea is one of my best friends, ever.

Also we are so like, omg, it’s freaking, me out sometimes.

But on the other hand it’s always good to have someone to trust ^^ and I always know I’m not alone about things, lol.

I trust Chelsea 100% and I don’t care what others say about her! (Or what she says about herself)
She is, and will always be, one of the most fantastic people I have ever met.

I share everything with her, and I sometimes help her when she’s got problem, aye Chels ? lol
I wish she lived a bit closer though, She’s like in New Jersey, and I’m like in Norway… O well. I hope we’ll meet once :D Cus we’d had such fun, lmao.
So, maybe I’m strange writing this on my blog, yeh, probably, but i really don’t care ^^

Love You Chelsea! ^^ lol <3
(Hope u didn't get freaked out by this , lmao!)

torsdag 16. april 2009

Backstage part 2

Hey hey,

So I'm back with another slideshow with pictures. Sorry for taking so long :)


lørdag 28. mars 2009

Lily Allen, my idol.

Some of you might know about this, some may not, but Lily Allen is the coolest person, ever ! She's my main idol. not only because of her music, but also because of her style. It's wicked. She might show up on stage wearing sneekers and a prom dress. That's something I would like to do as well ( :

So, since I've already started, I'm gonna write a little about her. Some quick basics you know : )

- Lily Rose Beatrice Allen was born May 2nd 1985, which means she's 23 years old.
- She's the daughter of actor/musician Keith Allen and film producer Alison Owen.
- She's best known for her songs; Smile, LDN, Knock'em out, Littlest things, Oh My God and The Fear.
- She's also known for her Mockney style.
- She also hosts her own show on BBC Three called "Lily Allen and friends".
- July 3rd 2006 her debut album "Alright, Still" was released in the UK. and in the rest of Europe July 17th 2006.
- Her 2nd album "It's not me, it's you" was released in february 2009.
- In May 2007, Allen launched a line of dresses, shoes, and accessories entitled Lily Loves.

I'll probably add more about her later... It's late now. 4:08 am. soo... better go...

fredag 20. mars 2009


Ble utfordret av Therese, så eg får vel legge den ut :P heh.

1. Gå inn på mine bilder/mapper
2. Velg den 6 mappen
3. Finn det 6 bilde
4. Sett inn bilde på bloggen og skriv litt om det
5. Send videre til flere bloggere!

Dette e då søsteren til Borghild vedsiden av en pappfigur på kinoen :P søte bildet ^^
Vettche helt ka eg skal skrive så eg bare avslutter d her..

(English: This is Borghild younger sister next to a paper elephant thing in the cinema... cute picture ^^
Dont know what more to write here so I'll just stop here)

Utrordrer / Challenging: Elisabeth

søndag 22. februar 2009

Backstage på Musikalen 2009 part 1.

Part 1.
There will be more :)

torsdag 19. februar 2009


In short time after the musical period, I will post a slide show introduicng as many as possible from the musical :)

tirsdag 17. februar 2009

Ungdomskule musikalen!

The musical is on, and I am sick and tired of high school musical and the songs, and the fucking MAKEUP we have to wear!! -.-

It's impossible to get right, and hard to get off... it's just... blah!! THANK YOU SOLVEIG AND RANDI FOR HELPING US OUT!!!

But besides the make up, it is pretty fun to play, even though I have a small part. I get to listen to everyone else this way.

Everyone is doing a great job! Absoloutely everyone.

Awsome outfits, Super Scenery, Amazing Actors and even better singers. and the music is fantastic.

I would strongly suggest that everyone should go see this. You wont regret, I promise :3

So Anyway, gotta remove some make up so my pillow wont get brown.


tirsdag 10. februar 2009


I've heard from several sources that Blink 182 are back : D they splitted in 2006 after playing together for 11 years.

The bassist said that the group parted ways because of guitarist Tom Delonge’s

indecision on whether he wanted to tour or not.

Tom started saying he din't want to tour, that he was burned out and wanted to stay home. He wanted to cancel the tour.

- Mark Hoppus

"We understood that Tom wanted to be with his family. We all did. We all love our families and want to be with them. At the same time, this is our job," he explained

lørdag 7. februar 2009

Twilight ^^

Today, I went to the movies with 2 of my friends to see Twilight. OMG! LOVED IT! It's such a genious story! Someone wanna watch it one more time with me?

And I have decided,

Hottie of the month (maybe the year) : Robert Pattison <3


onsdag 28. januar 2009

Kva Seier Katten? :3

[ Sorry, this one is gonna be in Norwegian "/ :3 ]

Kva seier katten - Bård og Vegard Ylvisåker på o-fag.
Fredags kveld, sola står i øst å ikkje i vest.
Fredags kveld, eg har på meg ny redningsvest.
Båten ligg å duppar ned i fjæra å eg ser
ein mann kjem i mot meg
Kvarfør ferda?
Kva seier katten når du legg ut i frå land?
Kva seier katten når du finn ein annan mann?
Ja, kva seier katten no?
Er det berre ein eller er det to?
Kva seier katten no?

sjå på katten, sjå på katten seier no,
sjå katten, sjå no katten seier no.
sjå på katten, sjå på kva gjer katten no?
Kva sier katten no? (seier katten no)

[ Dette e absolutt ikke noe eg kommer til å skrive kver dag, eg hater å skrive nynorsk xD sånn på den måten eg har skrevet ned den sangen på.
som du sikkert ser skriver eg mer blanding : ) ]

Denne sangen e så genial som d går ant xD Hører den flere ganger for dagen. får den lett på hjernen, men gjør meg ingenting. Ylvis e d siste som hadde plagd meg med å sette seg fast på hjernen : ) de e absolutt genier xD

Keep up the good work boys :D

mandag 26. januar 2009

Things you should not laugh at! (About girls)

1. Her feelings

2. How tall she is

3. How fat she is

4. Her clothes

5. Her make-up

6. Her friends

7. Her parents

8. Her stuff

9. Her hair

10. Her shoes

11. The boy she's in love with

12. How bad her birthday party was

13. how ugly she looks in those clothes.

torsdag 22. januar 2009

McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly ....

McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly ....

mandag 12. januar 2009

Fake Friendship...

I have always appreiciated my friends. I have shared everything with them (almost) and I've heard alot about them.

But one thing that I hate is when one friend is acting jealous at the others. Blaming others for what's going wrong in their life, or maybe just being irritated because the others didn't like them before?


And when I hear about it after I get mad, but I usually dont sat much, because someone I know would totally flip out if I did. Only, now I have. And to be honest, it felt good, and I don'te regret it at all.

Being jealous because your friend is hanging with someone else then your self it PATHETIC!

It's so lame that I almost laughed when I heard about it. It's so stupid, and selfish... I dont have words!!! It's just too stupid.

Saying "Omg, you're so blonde!" to someone when they are having a "blonde-moment" is just as stupid as my example above this one. Specially when you're originally blonde your slef. sometimes it's hurt to hear "You're so blonde," or "You're so stupid!" and then you laugh, it's humiliating! even for the one who is aware of that he/she is not as smart as anyone else.



fredag 9. januar 2009

The Fear - Lily Allen

This must be the greatest lyrics, ever. I LOVE IT!

I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don’t care about clever I don’t care about funny
I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

I’ll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
‘Cuz everyone knows that’s how you get famous
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah I’m on to a winner

I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear

Life’s about film stars and less about mothers
It’s all about fast cars cussing each other
But it doesn’t matter cause I’m made of plasticand
that’s what makes my life so fucking fantastic

And I am a weapon of massive consumptionand
its not my fault it’s how I’m programmed to function
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah we're on to a winner

I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear

Forget about guns and forget ammunition
Cause I’m killing them all on my own little mission
Now I’m not a saint but I’m not a sinner
Now everything's cool as long as I’m getting thinner

I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cause I’m being taken over by fear

fredag 2. januar 2009

There is NOTHING that can't be done :D

So, here's one delicious piece of funny story.

Once when my friend just had got her guitar, i was gonna help her with the holds on guitar.

and i dont play guitar, never played except when we were learning it at school xD

I'm proud that i did it :D

this might show it. damn she had a good laugh xD
I've said it before, and i will say it again,
there is nothing that can't be done :D <3

torsdag 1. januar 2009

2009 :)

So, now we're in 2009, anyone got plans for this year?

I've got none, except getting better. i've been ill since last year D: xD

I couldnt go out with the others last night :S so i were home, bored and alone :A left ALLL BY MY SLEF!

just kidding xD while the otherse were getting ready to go out my dad and my sister and i went to visit my aunt and uncle, because my sister were going out with my little cusin.

and after that we went home to get ready to go to an other aunt and uncle :P hahha, that was fun...
Bye Bye 2008

Happy new year!