I'm on my way to bed really, just wanted to pop in to say hello ! and good night :)
I'm on my way to bed really, just wanted to pop in to say hello ! and good night :)
Been a busy week, so my plan about being a better blogger hasnt worked. but my plan about getting a better person works ! WOHO!
You might ask why i say already on a tuesday that it's been a busy week. but when i say it like that i mean that since last tuesday it's been busy. really. i have been busy with mock exams, or it's more like something in between mock exams and exams, I'd say. Let's call it test-exams! because that's what we call it, or if you transelate word by word it is. lol. so anyway, i've been doing my thing and I have been quite happy about my results. well. im off to bed. gonna cook at schook tomorrow ... hehey, that's nice, eh?
So, sleep tight, friends, and we'll catch up later :P
Btw, can anyone tell me what kind of animal that thing on this posts picture is? It's bothering the hell out of me that I dont know. I want one :D
1 kommentar:
ser ut som ein blanding av ein larve og ett elle ant firbeint dyr, som ein hest eller ei antilopa, eller eit ant grasiøst jungeldyr. Da va egentlig meiningen at da klona dyre sku få øyre, men dei gjekk tapt i kloningens hete. Eg trur nok du må ut med ein god sum penga for detta dyret, mest forda at da koste rimelig mykje peng å flytta te eventyrland.
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