I have always appreiciated my friends. I have shared everything with them (almost) and I've heard alot about them.
But one thing that I hate is when one friend is acting jealous at the others. Blaming others for what's going wrong in their life, or maybe just being irritated because the others didn't like them before?
And when I hear about it after I get mad, but I usually dont sat much, because someone I know would totally flip out if I did. Only, now I have. And to be honest, it felt good, and I don'te regret it at all.
Being jealous because your friend is hanging with someone else then your self it PATHETIC!
It's so lame that I almost laughed when I heard about it. It's so stupid, and selfish... I dont have words!!! It's just too stupid.
Saying "Omg, you're so blonde!" to someone when they are having a "blonde-moment" is just as stupid as my example above this one. Specially when you're originally blonde your slef. sometimes it's hurt to hear "You're so blonde," or "You're so stupid!" and then you laugh, it's humiliating! even for the one who is aware of that he/she is not as smart as anyone else.
4 kommentarer:
Detta høyres ikkje bra ut.. e heilt enig med deg - da e berre idiotisk å oppføra seg slek!
(eg har ingen ide om kem/ka du snakka om, men eg syns likavel at da høyres ut som om denne personen har oppført seg dumt..)
It's just too stupid. :(
Take care, Darlène. :)
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