onsdag 28. januar 2009

Kva Seier Katten? :3

[ Sorry, this one is gonna be in Norwegian "/ :3 ]

Kva seier katten - Bård og Vegard Ylvisåker på o-fag.
Fredags kveld, sola står i øst å ikkje i vest.
Fredags kveld, eg har på meg ny redningsvest.
Båten ligg å duppar ned i fjæra å eg ser
ein mann kjem i mot meg
Kvarfør ferda?
Kva seier katten når du legg ut i frå land?
Kva seier katten når du finn ein annan mann?
Ja, kva seier katten no?
Er det berre ein eller er det to?
Kva seier katten no?

sjå på katten, sjå på katten seier no,
sjå katten, sjå no katten seier no.
sjå på katten, sjå på kva gjer katten no?
Kva sier katten no? (seier katten no)

[ Dette e absolutt ikke noe eg kommer til å skrive kver dag, eg hater å skrive nynorsk xD sånn på den måten eg har skrevet ned den sangen på.
som du sikkert ser skriver eg mer blanding : ) ]

Denne sangen e så genial som d går ant xD Hører den flere ganger for dagen. får den lett på hjernen, men gjør meg ingenting. Ylvis e d siste som hadde plagd meg med å sette seg fast på hjernen : ) de e absolutt genier xD

Keep up the good work boys :D

mandag 26. januar 2009

Things you should not laugh at! (About girls)

1. Her feelings

2. How tall she is

3. How fat she is

4. Her clothes

5. Her make-up

6. Her friends

7. Her parents

8. Her stuff

9. Her hair

10. Her shoes

11. The boy she's in love with

12. How bad her birthday party was

13. how ugly she looks in those clothes.

torsdag 22. januar 2009

McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly ....

McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly ....

mandag 12. januar 2009

Fake Friendship...

I have always appreiciated my friends. I have shared everything with them (almost) and I've heard alot about them.

But one thing that I hate is when one friend is acting jealous at the others. Blaming others for what's going wrong in their life, or maybe just being irritated because the others didn't like them before?


And when I hear about it after I get mad, but I usually dont sat much, because someone I know would totally flip out if I did. Only, now I have. And to be honest, it felt good, and I don'te regret it at all.

Being jealous because your friend is hanging with someone else then your self it PATHETIC!

It's so lame that I almost laughed when I heard about it. It's so stupid, and selfish... I dont have words!!! It's just too stupid.

Saying "Omg, you're so blonde!" to someone when they are having a "blonde-moment" is just as stupid as my example above this one. Specially when you're originally blonde your slef. sometimes it's hurt to hear "You're so blonde," or "You're so stupid!" and then you laugh, it's humiliating! even for the one who is aware of that he/she is not as smart as anyone else.



fredag 9. januar 2009

The Fear - Lily Allen

This must be the greatest lyrics, ever. I LOVE IT!

I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don’t care about clever I don’t care about funny
I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

I’ll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
‘Cuz everyone knows that’s how you get famous
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah I’m on to a winner

I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear

Life’s about film stars and less about mothers
It’s all about fast cars cussing each other
But it doesn’t matter cause I’m made of plasticand
that’s what makes my life so fucking fantastic

And I am a weapon of massive consumptionand
its not my fault it’s how I’m programmed to function
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah we're on to a winner

I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear

Forget about guns and forget ammunition
Cause I’m killing them all on my own little mission
Now I’m not a saint but I’m not a sinner
Now everything's cool as long as I’m getting thinner

I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cause I’m being taken over by fear

fredag 2. januar 2009

There is NOTHING that can't be done :D

So, here's one delicious piece of funny story.

Once when my friend just had got her guitar, i was gonna help her with the holds on guitar.

and i dont play guitar, never played except when we were learning it at school xD

I'm proud that i did it :D

this might show it. damn she had a good laugh xD
I've said it before, and i will say it again,
there is nothing that can't be done :D <3

torsdag 1. januar 2009

2009 :)

So, now we're in 2009, anyone got plans for this year?

I've got none, except getting better. i've been ill since last year D: xD

I couldnt go out with the others last night :S so i were home, bored and alone :A left ALLL BY MY SLEF!

just kidding xD while the otherse were getting ready to go out my dad and my sister and i went to visit my aunt and uncle, because my sister were going out with my little cusin.

and after that we went home to get ready to go to an other aunt and uncle :P hahha, that was fun...
Bye Bye 2008

Happy new year!