A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
01. What are your nicknames? Løtveit, Synni, Synno... osv. :3
02. How do you style your hair? I don't usually style it :P hah.
03. What's new in your life right now? Nothing, AT all, boooring :D
04. How many colours are you wearing now? 4 :P
05. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Jacob :P funny name.
06. What was the last book you read? Gossip giiiirl :D
07. Do you nap a lot? hehe, no, i can hardly sleep at night :S
08. If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do? Nothing :P
09. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? No, i've been pretty happy these days.
10. What's your fave dessert? No idea :D
11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 10 minutes :P
12. What websites do you visit daily? Nettby and youtube :D
13. What classes are you taking right now? Too many :/
14. Do you like to clean? I want to say no, but that would be wrong, I'm a cleaner :P
15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head? Knipse med venstre by Ylvis :P
16. What's the last movie you saw? Bruce Almighty
17. What's better: eternal love or memorable love? Ehm eternal love i suppose
18. What is your least favourite thing to do that you have to do every day? get out of bed :S
19. Best time of your life? I have nooo idea :P there is so much :D
20. What are you most looking forward to in the coming month? The new year :D I've got loads of plans :D
I challenge: Elisabeth, Daniel, Therese Done! :3
søndag 28. desember 2008
lørdag 27. desember 2008

You think you're hot, but I'm sorry you're not, exactly who you think you are...
Something that annoys me like hell, is ppl who think they are something they are not! like girls with waaay too much makeup, you just want to vacuum their faces, what's the deal with that much makeup?
noone likes it anyway ^o)
it shows how much you really try to make people like you, but in reality you just look like a barbie.
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
think about it ;)
tirsdag 23. desember 2008
The night before the night...

so now ive been at m grandparents house :P That was a lot of fun :P Kristine, Therese, Morten and I played this game, totally wicked :P
tomorrow is the big day, Christmas eve! it doesnt feel like chirstmas to me :S
That sucks :S
I dont know what more to write actually, so I'm writing my fave "I miss you" - quote :) I used it on this picture, of my dog who died 2 years back now. i still miss her ALOT!
I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you.
-- Author Unknown
The day before the night !

Hello, so, what have we done so far today?
Been at work :) and I've talked to Malin :)
besies that, what are we doing today?
Gonna go to my grannys place tonight :) It's gonna be FON! (*Dougie Poynter Style*)
aaaand how are we feeling today?
AWFUL! I feel like shit! I feel like I'm gonna throw up, or something :S that's not good is it?
and im also really mad! -_- I dont know why, but please dont ask, i might punch you in the face the next time i see you...
so, this is a misserable blogg :S
mandag 22. desember 2008
The night before the night before the night =0

How to skru:
How to skru a propel on a fly:
Take the big duppeditt and stick the little duppedatt into it.
Quite enkelt :)
Sooo, any news?
No nothing much, its christmas soon though :) Two days :0 holy chocolate frog :S
I'm not ready! Where is the fucking SNOW???
I miss the snow :A ACTUALLY!!! even though i ate the cold... snow is so beautifull... *sad* lets wish for it nd maybe we will get it, eh :D ??
søndag 21. desember 2008
3 days left :O

Woha! Just 3 days 'til christmas eve :S I've got 1 present left to buy, for my brother from my sister and me... gonna buy it tomorrow :D
Miiiijeh! I LOVE christmas :D
and tomorrow my friend Borghild is coming for a sleepover :O WOHA! AWESOME! Makes the time go faster :D:D:D:D What to do what to do..
ofc we find something to do :P :D YLVIIIIIS :D She's got the Ylvis DVD :O We are SOOO gonna watch it :D
Now I'm just talking random ^o)
Hellooooo :D

Sooo, what's new? well, I've decided to write in english, so that my dear friend can read it :D wicked eh? :D
So, Elisabeth called this morning, like 5 minutes after I got up and asked if I wanted to come down, but my mum was like "No, you have to do stuff here at home," and I'm like.... "!!! fine! -_-" so now i'm all alone in my room with my cd player and my my chemical romance cds :O and of course my imaginary friend is here :D he says hi :))
Happy Sunday :D
maybe i should clean, maybe not :P We'll see... I just have to .... dont know xD
haha... well, we'll see if i write more later... :D
lørdag 20. desember 2008
Yoyo! No e juleferien i gang, noen andre enn meg som e uventet fornøyd med karakterene?? eg e væffal da :D wihiii :D
Ellers da, noe nytt?
nei altså, meg å malin finner no på så mye gøy xD kortslutter litt å greier å grier xD What to do what to do... haha :P vi e kule Malin *Hajfajv* ( H )
ka mer? jo! Nye hemmligheter, men d e en helt an sak vi får se om eg deler d... d va litt teit å skrive, ja vet xD men men, whats done is done :) :D
Gleder meg til jul :D (P.S.: Redigert dette bilde og :D Tatt d shøl å greier å greier :D *STOLT!*)
torsdag 18. desember 2008

6 dager til jul! mangler en gave... For My Bro :D
IIIIH! gleder meg :D til disney, julegrøt, aksepott, juletre, pinnekjøtt, julegaver, hele greien e bare DIGG :D MIJEEEHH! gleder meg sånn :D
men tenk om d hadde vært SNØ? :/ e d noe eg virkelig ønsker med så e d snø :A blir trist når d ikke e snø på julaften :S håper d kommer!!! :A
(Har forresten redigert d bile shøl *stolt*)
Random Facts :P heh...

Did you know that a rat can live longer than a camel without water?
or that a whale can have orgasm for 2 hours?
or that a pig can have orgasm for 30 minutes?
or that you get 10% orgasm when you sneeze?
(Ok, that was alot of orgasm :S )
or that Charlie Chaplin won 3rd prize in a Charlie Chaplin contest?
Now you do :D
tirsdag 16. desember 2008
Whooot? ERIC??

I dag fikk eg nesten SHOKK!!!
var hos kristine å såg de to gossip girl episodene som eg gikk glipp av...
å der fikk eg vite at Eric van der Woodsen, altså Serena van der Woodsen sin yngre bror (i bøkene, e han eldre enn Serena) e gay! :O d hadde eg ikke trodd! hadde trodd at han og Jenny kom til å ha noe på gang eller noe :O WOHA! SHOKKAAAA!!!!
søndag 14. desember 2008
Oj oj OJ!

lenge lenge LENGE siden no :D
ooooops :P
hah. jaja. vært i syden siden sist (altså 22 november til 6 desember, før d husker eg ikke ordrett ka eg gjor, kjedet sikkert vette av meg :S ) , ja? :P d va litt artig... handlet masse julegaver, var nesten ferdig når eg kom hjem :D
men væffal, når vi kom ned der, altså første kvelden, så rakk vi jo seffølgelig ikke butikken, så vi hadde ikke mat og ikke drikke (OJ! d hørtes alvorlig ut)
dagene gikk vel med til å være med bassenget, i tillegg har vi vært i palmitos parken, i puerto rico og litt andre steder på shopping. vi har vært på stranden og :)
eg og Josefin har klart å drunke telefonene våres :S eller hennes funket igjen da, merkelig i grunn, den var full av sand og salt vann.. men min skal ikke funke, NEIDA! så nå driver eg å sparer til en iPone (H)
eg, borghild og karina tok helt av, vi satt i baren å drakk :0 d var uten alkohol men d snakker vi ikke om xD heh :P
åså såg vi på syke syke showene som var om kvelden. man power tok helt av xD hah :P
møtte elisabeth en kveld, jøss, 3 julegaver kjøpte vi :O WOHA! på EN butikk :O WOOOOOW! flinke vi e :P
thats it for this time :O
I'm on a roll today (H)
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