søndag 22. juni 2008


Noke nytt sio sist? neeh... ikke egentlig.
vi har fått sommerferie =D which is quite huge though xD
åså skulle en venninne av meg (Malin) til Spania, så eg skal passe hunden hennes i 3 uker =D han e så utrolig shønn^^ åså e han så snill ^^
han har fått seg en støkk av kattn, stakkar =S
jaja, d e kunn for 3 uker at d e sånn fight, hehe...

jaja, ikkje so mykje meir å skrive ^^,

Take care O.o

mandag 9. juni 2008


skal ha munntlig tentamen om kristendom og jødedom i måro -_-''

søndag 8. juni 2008

Dear God - Nick Jonas

Detta e ein av dei finaste sångane so noken gong har blitt skreve! <3

Dear God, i hate to be a bother but i gotta say this world is getting craizier with every day
i hope youll hear me out now as i stop and pray

Dear God, people take your words and try to twist em round
i know you cant be happy with whats going down i'm looking for some answers but they cant be found
can you help me out ,dear god

Dear God, just the other night i heard somebody say whats the use believing in you anyway i guess it was just heartache talking through the pain its a cryin shame

Dear God, i know your dissapointed in the things we've done cant they see the truth that their all running from try to preach you message with a loaded gun what they thinkin of ,dear god

everybodys searchin for an easy solution
they cant see beyond the selfish world their living in
your words of love get lost in all the confusion
but i still believe someday your gonna speak to me

Dear God, i know you got a million other calls to take
you're dealing with a lot of things that just wont wait
but there is one request that i just gotta make

Dear God, won't you send a sign down just to ease
my doubt i'm trying to hear you but the silence is so loud

i think i see a rainbow from behind the clouds and i hear you now, dear god

fredag 6. juni 2008


Veeeldig lenge sio no!!unskyld (a)

hehe. jau jau
ikkje skjedd so mykje sio sist...
ehm... kjøpt egen PC, vært på brann kamp (3-4 til Molde. stoor skuff), ehm... noke meir... nei trur ikkje da... ganske kjedelig no egentlig. mykje å gjera med tentamen å styr... ferdig snart =D har kunn munntlig igjen den skal me ha på tirsdag ;D

jau jau, kjem ikkje på noke meeir å skriva...

so long!