A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
01. What are your nicknames? Løtveit, Synni, Synno... osv. :3
02. How do you style your hair? I don't usually style it :P hah.
03. What's new in your life right now? Nothing, AT all, boooring :D
04. How many colours are you wearing now? 4 :P
05. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Jacob :P funny name.
06. What was the last book you read? Gossip giiiirl :D
07. Do you nap a lot? hehe, no, i can hardly sleep at night :S
08. If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do? Nothing :P
09. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? No, i've been pretty happy these days.
10. What's your fave dessert? No idea :D
11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 10 minutes :P
12. What websites do you visit daily? Nettby and youtube :D
13. What classes are you taking right now? Too many :/
14. Do you like to clean? I want to say no, but that would be wrong, I'm a cleaner :P
15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head? Knipse med venstre by Ylvis :P
16. What's the last movie you saw? Bruce Almighty
17. What's better: eternal love or memorable love? Ehm eternal love i suppose
18. What is your least favourite thing to do that you have to do every day? get out of bed :S
19. Best time of your life? I have nooo idea :P there is so much :D
20. What are you most looking forward to in the coming month? The new year :D I've got loads of plans :D
I challenge: Elisabeth, Daniel, Therese Done! :3
søndag 28. desember 2008
lørdag 27. desember 2008

You think you're hot, but I'm sorry you're not, exactly who you think you are...
Something that annoys me like hell, is ppl who think they are something they are not! like girls with waaay too much makeup, you just want to vacuum their faces, what's the deal with that much makeup?
noone likes it anyway ^o)
it shows how much you really try to make people like you, but in reality you just look like a barbie.
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
think about it ;)
tirsdag 23. desember 2008
The night before the night...

so now ive been at m grandparents house :P That was a lot of fun :P Kristine, Therese, Morten and I played this game, totally wicked :P
tomorrow is the big day, Christmas eve! it doesnt feel like chirstmas to me :S
That sucks :S
I dont know what more to write actually, so I'm writing my fave "I miss you" - quote :) I used it on this picture, of my dog who died 2 years back now. i still miss her ALOT!
I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you.
-- Author Unknown
The day before the night !

Hello, so, what have we done so far today?
Been at work :) and I've talked to Malin :)
besies that, what are we doing today?
Gonna go to my grannys place tonight :) It's gonna be FON! (*Dougie Poynter Style*)
aaaand how are we feeling today?
AWFUL! I feel like shit! I feel like I'm gonna throw up, or something :S that's not good is it?
and im also really mad! -_- I dont know why, but please dont ask, i might punch you in the face the next time i see you...
so, this is a misserable blogg :S
mandag 22. desember 2008
The night before the night before the night =0

How to skru:
How to skru a propel on a fly:
Take the big duppeditt and stick the little duppedatt into it.
Quite enkelt :)
Sooo, any news?
No nothing much, its christmas soon though :) Two days :0 holy chocolate frog :S
I'm not ready! Where is the fucking SNOW???
I miss the snow :A ACTUALLY!!! even though i ate the cold... snow is so beautifull... *sad* lets wish for it nd maybe we will get it, eh :D ??
søndag 21. desember 2008
3 days left :O

Woha! Just 3 days 'til christmas eve :S I've got 1 present left to buy, for my brother from my sister and me... gonna buy it tomorrow :D
Miiiijeh! I LOVE christmas :D
and tomorrow my friend Borghild is coming for a sleepover :O WOHA! AWESOME! Makes the time go faster :D:D:D:D What to do what to do..
ofc we find something to do :P :D YLVIIIIIS :D She's got the Ylvis DVD :O We are SOOO gonna watch it :D
Now I'm just talking random ^o)
Hellooooo :D

Sooo, what's new? well, I've decided to write in english, so that my dear friend can read it :D wicked eh? :D
So, Elisabeth called this morning, like 5 minutes after I got up and asked if I wanted to come down, but my mum was like "No, you have to do stuff here at home," and I'm like.... "!!! fine! -_-" so now i'm all alone in my room with my cd player and my my chemical romance cds :O and of course my imaginary friend is here :D he says hi :))
Happy Sunday :D
maybe i should clean, maybe not :P We'll see... I just have to .... dont know xD
haha... well, we'll see if i write more later... :D
lørdag 20. desember 2008
Yoyo! No e juleferien i gang, noen andre enn meg som e uventet fornøyd med karakterene?? eg e væffal da :D wihiii :D
Ellers da, noe nytt?
nei altså, meg å malin finner no på så mye gøy xD kortslutter litt å greier å grier xD What to do what to do... haha :P vi e kule Malin *Hajfajv* ( H )
ka mer? jo! Nye hemmligheter, men d e en helt an sak vi får se om eg deler d... d va litt teit å skrive, ja vet xD men men, whats done is done :) :D
Gleder meg til jul :D (P.S.: Redigert dette bilde og :D Tatt d shøl å greier å greier :D *STOLT!*)
torsdag 18. desember 2008

6 dager til jul! mangler en gave... For My Bro :D
IIIIH! gleder meg :D til disney, julegrøt, aksepott, juletre, pinnekjøtt, julegaver, hele greien e bare DIGG :D MIJEEEHH! gleder meg sånn :D
men tenk om d hadde vært SNØ? :/ e d noe eg virkelig ønsker med så e d snø :A blir trist når d ikke e snø på julaften :S håper d kommer!!! :A
(Har forresten redigert d bile shøl *stolt*)
Random Facts :P heh...

Did you know that a rat can live longer than a camel without water?
or that a whale can have orgasm for 2 hours?
or that a pig can have orgasm for 30 minutes?
or that you get 10% orgasm when you sneeze?
(Ok, that was alot of orgasm :S )
or that Charlie Chaplin won 3rd prize in a Charlie Chaplin contest?
Now you do :D
tirsdag 16. desember 2008
Whooot? ERIC??

I dag fikk eg nesten SHOKK!!!
var hos kristine å såg de to gossip girl episodene som eg gikk glipp av...
å der fikk eg vite at Eric van der Woodsen, altså Serena van der Woodsen sin yngre bror (i bøkene, e han eldre enn Serena) e gay! :O d hadde eg ikke trodd! hadde trodd at han og Jenny kom til å ha noe på gang eller noe :O WOHA! SHOKKAAAA!!!!
søndag 14. desember 2008
Oj oj OJ!

lenge lenge LENGE siden no :D
ooooops :P
hah. jaja. vært i syden siden sist (altså 22 november til 6 desember, før d husker eg ikke ordrett ka eg gjor, kjedet sikkert vette av meg :S ) , ja? :P d va litt artig... handlet masse julegaver, var nesten ferdig når eg kom hjem :D
men væffal, når vi kom ned der, altså første kvelden, så rakk vi jo seffølgelig ikke butikken, så vi hadde ikke mat og ikke drikke (OJ! d hørtes alvorlig ut)
dagene gikk vel med til å være med bassenget, i tillegg har vi vært i palmitos parken, i puerto rico og litt andre steder på shopping. vi har vært på stranden og :)
eg og Josefin har klart å drunke telefonene våres :S eller hennes funket igjen da, merkelig i grunn, den var full av sand og salt vann.. men min skal ikke funke, NEIDA! så nå driver eg å sparer til en iPone (H)
eg, borghild og karina tok helt av, vi satt i baren å drakk :0 d var uten alkohol men d snakker vi ikke om xD heh :P
åså såg vi på syke syke showene som var om kvelden. man power tok helt av xD hah :P
møtte elisabeth en kveld, jøss, 3 julegaver kjøpte vi :O WOHA! på EN butikk :O WOOOOOW! flinke vi e :P
thats it for this time :O
I'm on a roll today (H)
onsdag 20. august 2008
lenge siden, igjen :S

Laien. no e sommerferien slutt, desverre...
men uansett, 3-8 august var vi på ferie...
Søndag 3.: vi reiste her fra og til Biri, noe som tok kjeeeempe lang tid. ble lei etter noen timer, men d gikk bra (: Holdt på å besvime av lykke når eg fant ut at vi hadde TV norge der, så eg kunne få se Supernatural =D
Mandag 4.: Vi reiste inn til Hamar for å se... det var IKKE lurt x3 de fleste ferie pengene våre gikk bort i hamar x3 haha, oops :S x3
Tirsdag 5.: Vi reiste til hunderfossen. Det var litt artig å se d igjen. ganske mye nytt som var kommet siden eg var der sist, men d var jo i 1999 så d sier jo litt x3
Kjørte Go Kart.. d va litt gøy x3
Onsdag 6.: var vi i Oslo. Vi tok tog fra moelv til oslo. det tok ca. 2 timer.
Vi gikk oppover Karl Johan, og opp til slottet.
eg var inne på en spaceworld butikk og sporte etter Supernatural sesong 2 på DVD, men de hadde den ikke der, men snille mannen tegnet på et kart kor de kanskje hadde den, og der hadde de den =D Creds til snille mannen som jobber på spaceworld på paleet i oslo :)
Torsdag 7.: vi reiste inn til lillehammer igjen for å gå på maihaugen. eg syntes d var helt forferdelig kjedelig. men mamma likte seg, så hun ble jo ikke ferdig...
etter at vi hadde vært på maihaugen kjørte pappa opp på toppen på hoppbakken på lillehammer... :O god utsikt x3
Fredag 8.: vi reiste hjem. vi stoppet i flaa for å gå i bjørneparken... d var ganske kjedelig d og, men bjørnene var søt ^^
Av en eller annen grunn virket hjemturen mye kortere enn turen bort til gjøvik ^o) jaja ^^
Søren og, skolen e begynt igjen x3 jaja, sånn e d vel bare... vi e kommet inn på emnet "Sex og Samliv", noe som enkelte personer likte ganske så godt.. og noen ikke likte fullt så godt, men sånn e d vel bare x3
jaja, lange innlegget denne gangen *stolt*
skal prøve å skrive mer snart..
lørdag 26. juli 2008

I går var vi på akvariet :]
d var kjekt x3 ^^
Vi var med Therese, Kristine, Else-Britt, Morten, Fredrik og Sandra.
og så var d meg, mamma og marit x3 hehe...
på akvariet var d mye folk "/ såg nesten ut som om alle hadde tenkt seg på akvariet akuratt i går, men hørte på språk og dialekter at mange var turister x3 d e no vel kjekt?
Etter akvariet og byn og hele pakken, reiste eg, mamma og marit til oldemoren min. det va kjekt d og x3 hun kjøper alltid ukeblad.. kjøper d ALDRI shjøl, bare leser d når eg e hos hun, fordi hun alltid kjøper d x3
Når vi kom hjem gikk eg opp til bestemoren min, for å lufte hunden deres, Lady ^^
Skal se om eg finner et bilde av hun en gang som eg kan legge inn her :)
ellers, e d ikke så mye mer, antenn at eg har totalt forelsket meg i musikken til karpe diem x3 hehe...
Jeez, så varmt, nei no må eg nesten legge meg, klokken e blitt 00:43.
See yah x3
torsdag 24. juli 2008
Hvem er du i Supernatural? | |
Mitt resultat: Dean Du tar alt med knusende ro, hjelper alltid en god venn i nød, og fritiden går mest til flørting | |
Ta denne quizen på Start.no |
Varmt, men likevel forkjølet -_-

Heihei! no e d begynnt å bli varmt igjen...
og likevel har eg blitt forkjølet. -_- d suger noe inni *biiip* *biiip*!!!
jaja, holder nokk ut...
Har jo supernatural dvdene å trøste meg med x3 og i morgen skal vi på akvariet med Therese og Kristine og alle de andre x3 hehe... gleder meg, lenge siden eg har vært der no...
jessjess, nei no har ikke eg mer å skrive, skal skrive et innlegg om akvariet i morgen eller på lørdag :)*snufs*
søndag 20. juli 2008

lenge siden igjen no "/
altså, onsdag 16 var eg i byn sammen med borghild og karina, vi var på shopping mens resten av folkene var på vil vite-setneret, vi hadde d kjempe kjekt :D
etter at eg hadde vert i byn, reiste eg til anja. eg, anja og tonje satt oppe halle natten for å se film, eller egentlig hele, men d snakker vi ikke om x3 vi såg saw 1, juno, de 2 første episodene av supernatural, og så gikk vi å la oss, då va klokken blitt 4 eller 5 x3
dagen etter på såg vi saw 2, de saw filmene va litt fæl :S
Lørdag 19 (som faktisk er bursdagen til Jared Padalecki (han ble 26) for de som ikke visste d)kom Borghild på overnattings, vi hadde supernatural maraton... vi kjøpte masse (MASSE) snop, og satt oppe lenge. vi såg de 2 første DVDene (8 episoder).
vi skal prøve å få til en gang til, så vi får sett ferdig alle : D d va konge gøy :D
ganske langt innlegg denne gangen x3 hehe... ikke mer å si no denne gangen...
see yah!
søndag 13. juli 2008

Noe e da lenge sio eg har skreve her :S skamme meg skikkelig :P ...
jaja, lika lite so har skjedd her... Malin var og hentet Chopper idag... litt trist at han måtte reise hjem... men men.. sånn e d no...
Skal kanskje møte Marita i hunderfossen i sommer : D
og kanskje møte Stine i Oslo : D yay! blir knas d : D
jaja, ikke noe mer å skrive... hehe...
see yah!
søndag 22. juni 2008

Noke nytt sio sist? neeh... ikke egentlig.
vi har fått sommerferie =D which is quite huge though xD
åså skulle en venninne av meg (Malin) til Spania, så eg skal passe hunden hennes i 3 uker =D han e så utrolig shønn^^ åså e han så snill ^^
han har fått seg en støkk av kattn, stakkar =S
jaja, d e kunn for 3 uker at d e sånn fight, hehe...
jaja, ikkje so mykje meir å skrive ^^,
Take care O.o
mandag 9. juni 2008
søndag 8. juni 2008
Dear God - Nick Jonas

Detta e ein av dei finaste sångane so noken gong har blitt skreve! <3
Dear God, i hate to be a bother but i gotta say this world is getting craizier with every day
i hope youll hear me out now as i stop and pray
Dear God, people take your words and try to twist em round
i know you cant be happy with whats going down i'm looking for some answers but they cant be found
can you help me out ,dear god
Dear God, just the other night i heard somebody say whats the use believing in you anyway i guess it was just heartache talking through the pain its a cryin shame
Dear God, i know your dissapointed in the things we've done cant they see the truth that their all running from try to preach you message with a loaded gun what they thinkin of ,dear god
everybodys searchin for an easy solution
they cant see beyond the selfish world their living in
your words of love get lost in all the confusion
but i still believe someday your gonna speak to me
Dear God, i know you got a million other calls to take
you're dealing with a lot of things that just wont wait
but there is one request that i just gotta make
Dear God, won't you send a sign down just to ease
my doubt i'm trying to hear you but the silence is so loud
i think i see a rainbow from behind the clouds and i hear you now, dear god
fredag 6. juni 2008

Veeeldig lenge sio no!!unskyld (a)
hehe. jau jau
ikkje skjedd so mykje sio sist...
ehm... kjøpt egen PC, vært på brann kamp (3-4 til Molde. stoor skuff), ehm... noke meir... nei trur ikkje da... ganske kjedelig no egentlig. mykje å gjera med tentamen å styr... ferdig snart =D har kunn munntlig igjen den skal me ha på tirsdag ;D
jau jau, kjem ikkje på noke meeir å skriva...
so long!
torsdag 8. mai 2008
lenge sio!

lenge sio no! :S
eg skal skriva om ting so har skjedd ein an dag xD kanskje i måro :P
her e noken goe sitat av Jonas Brother som eg fant xD :
Nick: My brothers and I listen to hip-hop and drink Red Bull to get pumped up.
Nick: I love watching sports, and I like to be outside, even if it's raining.
Nick: You have to talk to your friends about your crush, because your crush will be talking about you with their friends.
Nick: You've got to avoid situations that make you uncomfortable.
Nick: I love to listen to Switchfoot and the Jackson 5.
Nick: I need a girlfriend who'll just have a good time with me.
Nick: My pick up line is, "Slow down, sugar, because I'm a diabetic"!
Nick: I love earlobes! No, I'm kidding. I would have to say if a girl has beautiful eyes, I'm going to be interested.
Nick: I thought the popular kids were the cool kids. I got caught up in that, and it was bogus. High school is about finding who you are because that's more important than trying to be someone else.
Nick( on the songs he and his brothers write): You know what I'm going through now Kevin's already gone through and Joe's already gone through, so we can all kinda relate to each other.
Nick: (When asked if he and his brothers fight) We're each other's best friends.
Nick: (On the song "Still In Love With You") I wrote that song after a breakup. It's like, where a couple of weeks go by, and you still find yourself in love with your ex.
Nick: On the way to the hospital Kevin and Joe [Jonas] looked up diabetes online. They knew more about it than I did before I got there! They're there for me all the time!
Nick (On his diabetes): I wasn't gonna let it slow me down!
Nick: Even though we [him and his brothers] have a younger brother, I'm considered the baby. But I'm more adult than Joe and Kevin!
Nick (To his brother, Joe): You're ideas are pointless.
Nick: It doesn't matter if the world is pulling you down. With Christ you have everything.
Nick: Joe took me under his arm like the hero that he is. Joe saved my life, so I owe him.
Nick(on how he used to be with relationships): I used to rush into things a lot. That didn't work too well. Now I take it slow-get to know the girl and stuff. I found that it works better. But if its really awesome I'll jump into it.
Nick: (on what he looks for in a girl) I look for someone who has confidence. Also someone whose energetic, cause I'm NOT that energetic.
Nick: Yo that's illogical I can't have it!
Nick: (talking about his purity ring) I got my ring at Disney World!
Nick: I like looking at the stars on a clear night.
Nick: I'm here for you.
Nick: (when he calls a girl) My heart starts beating really fast and I have this thing where I gulp sometimes.
Nick: Joe likes pink and orange and macadamian nuts.
Nick: Some girls try too hard to get guys' attentions by not wearing much clothes. When a girl dresses nicely with good taste it says that she has confidence and that she takes pride in her appearance.
Nick: What I'm looking for in a girl is someone who will understand my crazy schedule and will be there to support me. Just a girl who will make me smile and keep me happy.
"Get in the fridge!"
"Wait, wait. They started with just regular pancakes, now they’re chocolate chip, I think. Where are you going with this man?"
"My name is Mufasa, I’m the King of the land. I’ll come smack you with the back of my hand!"
"I consume too much sugar. It’s a problem, I need to stop."
"Nick was backstage after a show and the doors just burst open and they, like 30 girls, just rushed him and were grabbing him and hugging him. We were freaking out, we didn’t know what to do. We had no security."
"I want fans to give me advice on girls; why do they always say they don’t look good in pictures, even though they look great?"
"Our new goal is to make sure everyone doesn’t think New Jersey is the armpit of America. It’s the muscle of America! Alright, that’s kind of lame."
"I was dating this girl and, oh my God, it was the worst. I kissed her and she had a hairy lip! I didn’t say anything to her, but it was like, just go wax or something. It was terrible!"
"Maybe we’ll be like Ludacris and pop out an album every year on the same date no matter what it is!"
"When I was little, my dad was trying to teach me how to pump gas. We were on the road traveling and I put the nozzle down a little bit and the spray got in my eyes. I freaked out and ran screaming to the bathroom in the gas station. I remember I was knocking things over. It was embarrassing."
"No matter what I did, I never took off my jean jacket, ever, ever, never!"
"I love to start the morning with, actually watching the music videos. I’m a little addicted to them."
"When Joseph and Nicholas tell me what to do, that freaks me out!"
"I watched Gilligan’s Island and Jurassic Park on the same day. And that night, I had a dream about a T-Rex eating Gilligan. I must’ve eaten bad food or something."
"See these muscles? They can wreck you!"
"Girls who have a strong belief system are beautiful in a great way."
"It’s a little weird to have fans see pictures of us when we were little because it’s like, ‘Where’d you get that picture?’"
"My secret is I cannot go to bed, I cannot sleep, if my bed is not made before I go to bed. I can leave it unmade in the morning, but I have to remake it before I get into it to sleep.”
"Hold on, Joe. Let everyone get their cameras and stuff, since you know this is going on Youtube."
"I told a teacher that the house he just bought, that the realtor called, and said that his roof collapsed. He called the number that I gave him, which was actually my cell phone, and I told him, ‘April Fool’s!’ and he freaked."
"One time a girl sprayed a can of silly string. But it wasn’t silly string; it was like industrial-size like, ‘I am going to attack Joseph!’"
"You’ll be looking at magazines at an airport and you’ll see a girl like, holding up a magazine and your face is like on the page and you’re like, ‘Okay I’m just walking away now.’ It’s a little strange."
"Frankie is not adopted. We won’t forget that, Frankie."
"You wouldn’t know it by looking, but I had no teeth in first grade."
"Nicholas can’t have other people wearing his socks. If you put on his socks he’ll get upset, and it’s really funny!"
"I once had a girlfriend who would send back the notes I had written her with all my spelling errors circled. I would get so upset. I didn’t want to look like an idiot!"
"He has sweet hair. He has a comb over going on. Then Joe tries touching it, and Stitch pushes his hand away."
"So, like, 5% of the population just died. That’s cool."
"Yeah, we just paved everything!"
"Hey Joyce, it’s Kevin! You’ve just been pranked!"
"I got one move, one move, it’s gold, it’s gold, it’s perfect. Everyone would be like ‘Dude how did you do that move? That’s ridiculous!’”
"I'm a ghost, too, now!"
"Every single time we hit the street, it's just 'jiveee talkinggg.'"
Joe: School work, baby!
Joe: (talking about something fun to do on a date) I like to have fun, so we’d go bowling.
Joe: (on what he wishes girls knew about guys) We’re being nice when we compliment you.
Joe: I just wanted to make people laugh, and then I sang and I loved singing and it started from there. Everything I say I’m not going to do I end up doing.
Joe: Live like you are at the bottom even if you are at the top.
Joe: (After getting his driver's license) Now everyone has to stay off the roads!
Joe: It’s so cool to get on stage every night doing our stuff.
Joe: I’m pretty awesome when it comes to balancing things.
Joe: I’ve loved Baby Bottle Pops from the very beginning. Ever since they came out, I’ve always thought that they ruled. They’re awesome!
Joe: I like girls with the same personality.
Joe: (about creating a new flavor of ice cream) I would put in chocolate ice cream with a little bit of peanut butter and marshmallows. It would be like a Twix bar.
Joe: I would invent ice cream that never melts.
Joe: Music is my life, it is very special. You have music as a kind of feeling. There are songs when you are happy and there are songs when you are sad.
Joe: (talking about where his band gets there ideas for lyrics) Sometimes it is about either what is going on in my life right now, or how we are feeling that day. A lot of the songs can be really happy when we are having a great time, but some songs will be very sad.
Joe: I think I always wanted to make people laugh. I thought that it was my job to be a comedian all day. When I was singing around the house my dad would say, "Joe, you have a great voice. You should sing."
Joe: (talking about his favorite character in High School Musical) Corbin is definitely the man.
Joe: (talking about the premiere of High School Musical 2) We are so excited. I’m excited to watch it. I mean, I’m definitely uh, we have to say we are fans of the first one so.
Joe: (talking about an extreme sport he'd like to try) I would do extreme acting. It's a new thing I'm making up. It's like SAD FACE…. HAPPY FACE.
Joe: (talking about his most embarrassing moment) One time I had a hole in my pants like the entire show and I didn't realize until like after the meet and greet and I got back and I sit down and I'm like OH MANN. It was really embarrassing.
Joe: (About bullies) Kids that I didn't like would make fun of my name and would call me "JJ." They would go "JJ Jonas!" I had to hear it everyday at school.
Joe: Someone once said that I like girls who wear cookie dough-flavored lip gloss. I've never kissed a girl who's worn this flavor. If I ever do, I'll let you know if I like it or not.
Joe: (about bullies) If they see that they're not affecting you, it won't be fun for them.
Joe: I've dropped my Sidekick so many times. It never breaks!
Joe: I like girls who take care of their bodies, but as long as the girl is cool, it's all good.
Joe: A lot of embarrassing things happen, but I don't get embarrassed that much.
Joe: You can talk to girls a lot easier than you can talk to guys about stuff.
Joe: I went to see a movie with this girl once, and this creepy old lady was following us everywhere we went. I don't think she was a fan or anything, but it freaked me out!
Joe: (When asked if he and his brothers really get along) Yeah, we do. We only fist fight twice a day.
Joe: I definitely want a hippopotamus for Hanukkah.
Joe: (About when he found out his brother Nick had diabetes) I was really scared for him!
Joe: Looks aren't as important as attitude. I like girls who like to have fun...especially if they're talented. Every girl has something special about her.
Joe: It's very gratifying when fans come up to us after shows and tell us how much they relate to our songs.
Joe: My brothers can be messy! On the tour bus, Kevin's bunk was above mine and somehow all his stuff would end up in my bunk! I would tell him to get it out of my bunk and then he'd just put it on the floor.
Joe: I'm gonna say that I'm the most girl-obsessed out of me, Nick, and Kevin.
Joe: I wish I would have known that going out with a girl to lunch on a date is not a good idea. It automatically puts you in the friends zone! It always led me on.
Joe: (About his purity ring) It's basically a part of me. It's cool!
Joe: Kevin knows what to do when it comes to girls.
Joe: Kevin [Jonas] has a Starbucks radar in his head. We'll be on the road, and he'll be like, "Two miles-Starbucks." He can smell it...and every time he's right!
Joe: I've dated a couple girls I never met before!
Joe: I just found out that putting a poptart in the microwave or oven tastes so much better!
Joe: We, [him and his brothers] can't get enough of our video games. We have tons of Nintendo 64 games that we don't even play!
Joe: (On always being late) Kevin has two wake up calls: one for him to wake up, and one for him to wake me up!
Joe: (Imitating his brother, Kevin) Hi, I'm Kevin Jonas, and I would like to sell you a car!
Joe:(about his brother, Nick) Nick's a stud muffin.
Joe: I like a girls natural beauty. My ideal girl wouldn't have to have a lot of makeup. Just a smile and style. I like girls who have a cool sense of fashion and don't mind standing out a bit.
Joe: The only way to win is to die trying.
Joe:(on what he looks for in a girl) Someone was like, you like different voices don't you. I was like yeah. I also like accents.
Joe: Every studio needs a rubber chicken.
Joe: The first thing I notice on my crush are her eyes, I'm an eyes guy.
Joe: The sweetest thing is singing to your crush over the phone.
Joe: I'd love to be a comedian. I've always loved to make people laugh. I would love to be in movies one day. I'd do more comedic roles.
Joe: I like working out, especially running.
Joe: I'm afraid that when I'm asleep that somebody might want to break into my house and punch me. Its called "afraidthatpeoplearegoingtopunchyouphobia!"
Joe: My favortie flirty line is: 'Hey, did you drop this?' Then you pick up a handful of sugar and say, 'It fell out of your hair.'
Joe: One thing nobody knows about me is that three of my fingers are edible, but I can't tell you which fingers.
Joe: (on what color crayon he would be) I would be orange, black, white, dot, clear, red.
Joe: There was this girl I liked, and she lived in a different country. I sent her a big bouquet of flowers, and sending flowers from a different country can be expensive.
Joe: I can balance things pretty well. I once balanced a tricycle on my foot.
Joe: An egg doesn't say 'Crack This'.
Joe: I own Donald Trump.
Joe: (on the Jonas Brothers song, "Hold On") It can mean like waiting in line and you're just like "..hold on". Or if you're riding your bike and you get a flat tire and you're like...Hold on...to your bike? It can mean...Okay I need to figure out what this song means.
Joe: Have you ever googled google, then googled again?
Joe: I think it's really romantic when a girl shows up to surprise me. I love that.
Joe: I had a New Year's kiss once. But it was like, "Let's start the year off together," and then we wound up breaking up the night after!
Joe: Demi Lovato's voice is amazing!
Joe: When a guy and a girl break up, you should never lose that part of the friendship.
Joe: I try to stay away from drama!
Joe: (About when Cocoa died) I definitely teared up. Maybe I'll get another dog one day, I'm not sure.
Joe: Cocoa was my dog. I picked him out when I was five.
Joe: I walked up to two girls in an airport looking at Popstar! and they had it opened to a page with me, Kevin and Nick on it. So I walked over and I was like, "Oh, I love those magazines!" and I walked away. They were freaked out!
Joe: I wish I could shoot bacon out of my eyes.
Joe: I love Christmas because all you need is hot cider, snow, and a girl to throw snowballs at.
Joe: I had an imaginary friend. His name was Joe, he'd always get me in trouble.
Joe: (the thing he misses most about New Jersey) One thing they don't have out here in California is Rita's Italian Ices.
mandag 24. mars 2008

Hallo igjen!
No e da ikkje so lenge sio eg har skreve her, ... eg gjer framgang, men korlenge heldt da? xD
Lørdag (altså Påskeaften) var eg med Borghild, Josefin og Anne Marie på kino å såg Juno. Da va ein utrulig bra film. O.o når eg såg Reklame for den tenkte eg, "uff... ein sånn sippe film no igjen? -_-" men vart ganske overaska øve kor bra den va.
Fin musikk va da og. Og guttane va ikkje so værst dei heller... ^^
1. Påskedag hadde me middagsbesøk, ikkje noke særlig spennane.
2. Påskedag va me i bursdagbesøk til bestemor og bestefar.
Eg satt for da mesta å snakka med Kristine, Therese og Morten. Åso va eg og Kristine litt ute med Fredrik ^^,
da e ikkje so mykje meir å sei om da so har skjedd... :S
Don't Change The Channel, because there will be trouble
torsdag 20. mars 2008

Hello :3
veldig lenge sio sisst no ^^, so eg får sjå om eg kan skriva litt meir enn eg pleie, men kan ikkje låva noke som helst x3
jaja, no e da altså påskeferie, å så langt har eg rydda bittelitt på rommet mitt, vært på jobb, sett på tv og spillt playstation, ikkje noke spennane at da gjer noke.
Tirsdagen satt eg oppe ganske lenge, eg skulle absolutt sjå ringenes herre, pappen sa: "du får ikkje sitta oppe t klokko 1 å sjå på film."
"neida," sa no eg berre. so gjekk pappen å la seg. å eg satt no dar å såg. so sa mammo "No går eg og legg meg og."
"jaja," sa eg, å eg satt no dar til klokko va 5 på 1. då var filmen ferdig. då tenkte eg NUH går eg å legg meg, så eg slokka alle lys å alt sånnt, åså tenkte eg
"No blei eg sulten "/ " for då va da ei stund sio eg hadde ete. so då måtte eg slå på att lysna sånn at eg fant veien inn på kjøkkenet ... Hm... klokko blei vel ca. hal2 - 2 før eg kom meg i seng.
Jah, detta va spennane å høra om ... eller i detta tilfellet lesa om ...
no va eg vel egentlig tom for idea...
See you on the other side!!!
(P.S. They have cookies there :>)
tirsdag 12. februar 2008

Da har skjedd litt av kvert i da sista xP
eg og Kristine har vært i byn å feira bursdagen vår... da va konge gøy =D
Væffal med ballongane x'D *lættis*
me va på kino å såg National Treasure; book of secrets. den e konge tøff! like dei filmane!!! besides, so e Riley en av de shønneste skapningene EVER!!! ^^, <3
11 Juni skal eg, Elisabeth og more hennas på Foo Fighters konsertn i by'n O.o
da vært konge! dei ruuule ! =D
Eg har mykje meir å skriva, men no må eg gå O.o
me "lesast!"
tirsdag 8. januar 2008

No har da våre så kjedleigt her at eg ikkje ein gang vet ka eg skal skrive som tittel :O
da sher som sakt ikkje so mykje her fortiden, nett no sitt eg og høre på musikk og ser på AFV "/
Eg har no btw lakt plana for helgena i 3 veke frem over... so me får sjå korti eg har tid til å gjøre noke som helst egenglig xP altså i di helgene....
arch! drit, no didd eg isse skrive mer ...
onsdag 2. januar 2008
2. Januar!

Idag var eg hos Hilde =D
da va kjekkt... me hadde mykje å snakka om å greie...
Veldig mykje når eg tenke ette... tiden gikk alt for fort...
sio eg har komme heim har eg egengtlig ikkje gjort noke spess... hørt 2 sanga om igjen heile tie xD
Dei e litt tøffe...!
Story of a loney guy - Blink 182
I'd do anything - Simple Plan
dei e tøffe begge to =D
Høyt plan i den gården! ! !!
No didd eg isse skiva meir =D
Ha et fint liv xP
tirsdag 1. januar 2008
1. Januar!

Hei Sveis! og Godt nytt år sånn forresten!
No e da nytt år, steike mann... da e ikkje lenge til eg har bursdag *partyparty*
I går va me på Vevle å feirte nyttårsaften .. da va kjekt =D sio Kristine å di va dar =P
Me fikk masse godteri når vi var ute å gikk xP
Nesten fo myche =S
jaja, skal nokk få spist d på et vis... ...
da e vel egentlig iche so myche meir å skriva....
see you next time xP
Ba MuSh!
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